inktuition★ by cristinona

blessed with tragedy☆ death, drugs, poverty, magic @guidedbybiet

July 05, 2023 cristinona☆ Season 1 Episode 12

welcome to my first-ever english-speaking podcast. today, i have the heavenly gift of speaking with Biet Simkin: world-renowned meditation teacher, best-selling author, music composer, and a walking inspiration to anyone who gets the blessing of listening to her story. 

in a valiant, vulnerable, and humorous way, Biet shares...

  • why she continues to share her tragedies with the world: death, drugs, and poverty 
  • where she get's her strength from 
  • how the pain and agony of the world will always be a part of us—no matter our fame or wealth
  • how she's continued to train her nervous system to be at ease with peace after a tragic upbringing 
  • why she doesn't want to heal her PTSD
  • how spiritual teachers can also have complex relationship to food and their bodies—and what she has done to heal 
  • how she's re-defined enlightenment, meditation, luxury, and faith 
  • what she would tell someone that believes that their heartache is so painful they don't have it in them to carry on with their life 

and more!

***trigger warning: in this conversation, we discuss death, drugs, poverty, and suicide. if listening about these topics EXPANDS you today, join us on the conversation.  if listening about these topics CONTRACTS you today, leave it for another day. this conversation does not replace therapy whatsoever. its just Biet sharing her experience.***

follow Biet on Instagram,
read her best-selling book 'Don't Just Sit There,'
listen to her album 'The Lunar,'
and stay tuned for her new meditation course!

if you enjoyed this podcast, i would love if you would share it in your story, or leave a rating and review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

please send any podcast guest recommendations to

thank you for listening bish!

Inktuition Letters